
Initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5
Initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5

initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5 initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5

composed of flesh and blood, lit up by the perceptive power of conscious-ness. I have understood this body of mine to be the product of Ignorance, as set forth in the Twelve Nidanas. Out of the unchanging State of Quiescence of Eternal Truth, be pleased to listen unto me for a little while. In virtue of thy fair and meritorious deeds, and of the power of the waves of grace proceeding from thy boundless generosity, and of thy kindness beyond repayment, I, thy vassal, have imbibed a little knowledge, in the sphere of understanding, which I now beg to lay before thee. Having, as a prelude, sung this hymn of seven stanzas, I then continued: Inseparable from Dorje-Chang Himself art thou, my Guru. Until the Whirling Pool of Being emptied be,ĭo not, 0 Noble Guru.

initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5

So set the Wheel of Truth in motion full, I pray Of all my sins, may I be freed and purified. I offer unto Thee, along with mine own fleshly form To serve as offerings for the rites divine, Whate'er there be, in all the systems of the many worlds, To each, with all his followers, Obeisance humble and sincere I make. Thou Mother Divine of Buddhas, past, present, and future,Ġ Great Mother Damema, to Thy Feet I bow. In the Holy Palace of the Pure and Spiritual Realms, Thou Person illusory, yet changeless and selfless, Obeisance to the Immutable, Eternal Mind. Yet It pervadeth all objects of knowledge In the Heavenly Radiance of Dharma-Kaya Mind, There existeth not shadow of thing or concept, Thou preachest the Holy Truths to each in his own speech,Ĭomplete in their eighty-four thousand subjects Obeisance to Thy Word, audible yet inseparable from With Thy Brahma-like voice, endowed with the sixty vocal perfections, To the impure eyes of them Thou seekest to liberate, Thou manifestest Thyself in a variety of shapes īut to those of Thy followers who have been purified, Thou, Lord, appearest as a Perfected Being obeisance to Upon this, with deep and sincere humility, I knelt, and joining the palms of my hands, with tears in mine eyes, ex- temporaneously sang to my Guru a hymn of praise, offering him the sevenfold worship-as a prelude to submitting the nar- rative of mine experiences and convictions: "My Guru said, My son, what beliefs or convictions hast thou arrived at regarding these Truths what experiences,what insight, what understanding hast thou obtained? And he added, Take thy time and recount them to me.

Initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5